Monday, August 3, 2009

Problem after resetting ADMIN password after running apxchpwd.sql

I ran into problem when i forgot my password for ADMIN user in APEX. I logged in as sys on database and executed apxchpwd.sql. All went fine no errors. The trouble started when i was trying to login to apex_admin page (

I got error Application access restricted to internal workspace users. I was also not able to login to my workspace since when i tried to login i was redirected to change password page and when i supplied the old and new password APEX claimed that old password was wrong all the time.

Well i was stucked and didn't get login either to APEX admin or my workspace. Then i
saw a notice on APEX forum and this helped my out of the problem. The answer to the problem which helped me out was the following:

login to database as sys

alter session set current_schema = APEX_030200;

update wwv_flow_fnd_user
set change_password_on_first_use ='N'
where lower(user_name) = 'admin'

This helped me out of the problem, now i was able to login to apex_admin and also to login to my workspaces.

Hope this also could help other if they get problem after running apxchpwd.sql.

BI Publiser with APEX examples here

Using Oracle BI Publisher together with APEX is a strong combination. I have made a demo page which show some examples reports. You can find the demo page here