I got error Application access restricted to internal workspace users. I was also not able to login to my workspace since when i tried to login i was redirected to change password page and when i supplied the old and new password APEX claimed that old password was wrong all the time.
Well i was stucked and didn't get login either to APEX admin or my workspace. Then i
saw a notice on APEX forum and this helped my out of the problem. The answer to the problem which helped me out was the following:
login to database as sys
alter session set current_schema = APEX_030200;
update wwv_flow_fnd_user
set change_password_on_first_use ='N'
where lower(user_name) = 'admin'
This helped me out of the problem, now i was able to login to apex_admin and also to login to my workspaces.
Hope this also could help other if they get problem after running apxchpwd.sql.