Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yet another blog about APEX and Oracle...

Welcome to my Oracle blog. The APEX community in Norway is not very big at the moment. There is some companies which make some customer solutions but if you go and talk with Oracle Norway and ask about Application Express then most of them don't know what you are talking about. This is pitty since APEX is a great development plattform for making modern web applications fast and secure.

I feel we have to do something about this. Based on our pervious experience with APEX in other projects started back in 2006 we have gone from succes to succes with our APEX projects implementations. When we decided to started our new Oracle company in 2009 we also decided to promote APEX in Norway and we hope we can be able to make a living on APEX technology in the future. To get apex-home.com from development and deployed into production is the first step to go.

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